Сюжет о реабилитации пациентов с длительным COVID был подготовлен Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, MDR (общественная телерадиокомпания в Германии) в конце марта 2021 года.
XX юбилейный Всероссийский форум «Здравница-2021»
15 -17 мая в Москве (Экспоцентр на Красной Пресне) состоится XX юбилейный Всероссийский форум «Здравница-2021»
ReOxy в гостях у «Жить Здорово!»
Аппарат ReOxy показали на Первом!
Санаторий ФМБА России Малаховка
ReOxy-терапия стала доступнее для жителей Московской Области.
Arab Health 2020 — Day 1
Ai Mediq announces it’s participation in largest professional event in MENA region – Arab Health 2020. The event will…
Arab Health 2020 — Day 2
Official Business Mission of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has visited Arab Health 2020 trade-show yesterday, on 28th of January.
Arab Health 2020 is over
Yesterday, on 30th of January 2020 was the final day both of one of the largest medical trade-shows Arab Health and Official Mission of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the United Arab Emirates. Ai Mediq was thrilled to take part in both of these remarkable events with very promising outcomes.
24th Regional Conference of Dermatology
This February our leading instrument for delivering Interval Hypoxic Hyperoxic Therapy — ReOxy is presented to the attention of the general public in Bangkok, Thailand during the 24th Regional Conference of Dermatology taking place from 25th till 28th of February.
COVID-19 Rehabilitation
Currently, all efforts are focused on patients with acute diseases. All hospitals are crowded with severe patients with COVID-19 who need emergency care to save their lives.
Presentation in Baden-Baden
Presentation of the Intermittent Hypoxic Training Method in one of the well-known Liliane Goschy-FRITZ Institute in Baden-Baden, Germany on the 15th if July 2020.